Stefan Rohner

Сергей Попов  ( # )
Штефан! С днём рождения! Здоровья ,удачи и всегда хорошего света! SHtefan! With daytime births! Health ,good luck and always good light!
Mic З  ( # )
+1. Good luck, Stefan!:)
Mikhail Steinberg  ( # )
Stefan, best wishes to you. Happiness and all the rest of it.
Happy B-day!
сЕлена  ( # )
Happy Birthday, Stefan!
Good luck!
Колдунов Виктор  ( # )
Очень интересные у Вас фотографии!
Колдунов Виктор  ( #   )
I mean: Very good photos! :-)
Stefan Rohner  ( # )
thank you! you too!
Штучка  ( # )
Happy New Year, Stefan!
I like your photos...
Lily-of-the-valley  ( # )
Happy happy happy day for you, Stefan!
Сергей Трапезин  ( # )
Happy Birthday, Stefan! Best wishes! And thanks for your works :)!
Марина Рогожина  ( # )
Happy Birthday !!! :-)
alpauk  ( # )
сЕлена  ( # )
Mikhail Steinberg  ( # )
Hello, Stefan!
Could I possibly trouble you and ask to go and take a quick look at my pics? There are no comments needed, I just wonder which ones you think are worthwhile - by numbers. Your opinion is very important to me, as you know. Thanks in advance. Mikhail
Владимир Уколов  ( # )
Happy birthday! Success in creativity!
Mic З  ( # )
Happy birthday ! :)
Galia Nazaryants  ( # )
Happy Birthday! It's great that you are here!
нободи  ( # )
Happy birthday ! :)
сЕлена  ( # )
many happy returns of this day!
Ольга Лындина  ( # )
Happy Birthday! :)
Хулиганствующий элементъ  ( # )
Happy Birthday to you!
Дмитрий Теницкий  ( # )
HpB! Best wishes!
Mikhail Steinberg  ( # )
Happy Birthday, Stefan. May all your wishes come true, and please keep posting your great work- there are many people who is waiting for it!
Best of everything.
Christian Brandl  ( # )
du hier??? hab dich grad zufaellig auf der Startseite in der Geburtstagsuebersicht gesehen... hah, cool...

muss mal grad korrigieren hier... ;))

Viele Gruesse, Christian
даша у.в.  ( # )
happy birthday!
Benia  ( # )
Happy Birthday, Stefan.
I wish health and good photos.
Mikhail Steinberg  ( # )
Stefan, would you be so kind to give me your comment regarding this shot please:

Your pictures were inspiration for this shot.
ввбутко  ( # )
Stefan, can I ask you to give me a favor: can look at my last series "Travel Notes", the pics are not perfect, but probably you can advise me something...
Thanx a lot! Viktor Butko
Stefan Rohner  ( #   )
hello Viktor, where can I find these pictures? best regards Stefan
maslenitsa  ( # )
Мне интересно ваше мнение по поводу двух моих фоток. и спосибо.
Рой  ( #   )
хорошие фотки...
Патрисио Гарсес  ( # )
Saw your fotos in other site, about Sobrazada sausages, . Very interesting. :-)
Марина Рогожина  ( # )
Happy New Year, Stefan! Best wishes :-))))
Томира  ( # )
Found your photoworks here!!!! Say what your gallery is great - nothing say.
Mikhail Steinberg  ( # )
Thanks again for your comments and links, Stefan. I appreciate your input! I will go thru the links as soon as I can. As far as your pics- I have seen them already and some of them even copied to my hard drive (for inspiration purpoces).
Mikhail Steinberg  ( # )
Stefan, may I dare to ask you a favor- please take a quick look at couple of my latest pics and possibly leave quick comments if you can. I am trying something different for me now- street photography, and your opinion is valuable. Thank you in advance.
zemlianichka  ( # )
dear stefan! I want to congratulate you on birthday. Let in your life there will be all only good and light
Ия Горелова Наталия  ( # )
Happy Birthday to you!
Stefan Rohner  ( # )
HEY!! thank you very much.......... ALL !!!

Марина Рогожина  ( # )
Happy Birhday!!! Best wishes :-)))
Сергей Петров  ( # )
my congratulations and the best wishes.
Robin Silent  ( # )
Happy Birthday,Stefan!
Хулиганствующий элементъ  ( # )
Stefan, Happy Birthday to you!
даха  ( # )
H.B.and best regards!
Тяпка  ( # )
Happy Birthday:))))))))
Максим Грибков  ( # )
Happy New Year!
?  ( # )
Hi, Stefan!
Das ist ja eine Ueberraschung! Wie bist Du dazu gekommen verdammt noch mal? Bin froh fuer Dich! So weiter! Wenn Du einen Dolmetscher brauchst, meine Arbeitstunde kostet ein Glaeschen wodka:)))
LG Vladi
Звон  ( # )
Happy birthday! I wish you joy:) Your pics are very nice:)
Марина Рогожина  ( # )
Happy Birthday!I like your photos.:-)))I can't write more because my English is poor. :-(
Хулиганствующий элементъ  ( # )
Happy Birthday to you! Your photos are great.
Stefan Rohner  ( #   )
Thank your very much!
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