Pietro Zucchetti

День рождения 7 октября     
Дата регистрации 4.03.2002, 03:42
Последний визит 5.03.2002, 21:47
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Zucchetti has worked as a photographer since 1988. Since 1990, he has covered National and international news for major Italian and international newspapers and magazines including Panorama, Epoca,Espresso, Repubblica, Il manifesto, L'Unita',Corriere della sera and Der Spiegel. Beginning in 1990 working for the photoagency Electa in Rome,Zucchetti's coverage of the major national italian news appeared regularly in every national newspaper. In 1994, he began work in Moscow as correspondent of Blow up photo agency, one of the major works is the Moscow police work. In 1995 Zucchetti has worked from Sarajevo for the newspaper Avvenire documenting the first stage of peace during the arriving of the IFOR forces. From 2000 he is working in London for the photo agency Camera Press. In 2001 he finished the first photographic research in U.K. about homeless people in London and he is working on a new photo-research about muslim community in London.

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