Far...away. Simona-Elena Vitouladitis, город
Отзывов: 12. Напишите свой отзыв 
Из серии Corfu.
far, in romanian means lighthouse, I tried to play with words :)
ж  ( # )
сууупер.ты молодец
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Thank you very much, J! :) My camera is a HP 945 Photosmart.
ж  ( # )
what is this Cameras?sorry i very bad know English
Александр  ( # )
It is remarkable!
and with what filter removed?
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Shkreta, thank you so much! :) No filter used on the camera, but I made a little contrast and colour tonifing in PS, used the channels to intensify the effects of nature. :)
Александр  ( #   )
Then you simply master PS and what for people buy to myself filters, would buy better textbooks on PS:))
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Shkreta, each of us has to do something. I cannot buy filters for my camera, so I have to master PS to do the job of filters. You have the filters, so you have not problem with PS. But why do you use filters? Not for enhancing your photos and camera?! ;) Let's take bracketing for example: do you think that this technique is new, is digital-age? No, of course! Than why do photographers throughout the time used it and use it? Because they don't know how to take a picture or mainly beacause of that? ;) Anyway, PS is the old developing lab. All photographers, old or new, known or not, profesional or amateur, used enhancement on their basic photo, on the developing lab or, nowdays, in PS, so that it could look better. So, I don't see where the problem is! In any case, the first step is that you have to have a GOOD ORIGINAL PHOTO to experiment on, either in lab, or PS. Otherwise, PS can't help you. A poor photo, will be a poor photo after PS treatment, too. PS can't put the lighthouse there in the landscape, the sky as it was, the light, and so on, because this is a photo, not a photo-illustration(a photo illustration is a collage, but still you have to have the right components, otherwise it will be a kitch). It can only enhance those features. ;) Thank you again for your time. :)
Александр  ( #   )
It agree with you Simona. A brush in hands of the artist and the house painter-different of a thing. I often use PS for improvement of quality of a photo. But only qualities. Any means you will not inform up to the spectator an idea or feelings if they are not present. And your works like me. In them there is a mood, a plot. I shall watch your creativity;)
De_Lete  ( # )
Very nice picture Simona ) Especially i like cloud rithm... 8
Эдвард Уэстон  ( # )
О композиции я ровным счетом ничего не знаю. Я создаю ее сам. Слепо следовать правилам композиции — все равно, что проверять правила земного притяжения перед тем, как отправиться на прогулку. Научить чувствовать композицию невозможно. Это вопрос мастерства и творческой зрелости.
Елизавета Парфёнова  ( # )
Amazing sky like sea :)
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