April in tritone. Simona-Elena Vitouladitis, город
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April in tritone
Из серии Corfu.
photo taken last april in the historic part of Corfu town, where I live
СЕРГЕЙ187  ( # )
Очень даже! В цвете бы посмотреть.8!
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Sergei, thank you very much! :)
Олег Пчелов  ( # )
Fine work! Thanks. What camera makes a picture, endurance, a diaphragm, processing in a photoshop?
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Oleg, thank you very much! If I understood correctly, you are asking me which camera I used to shot this image and if I used PS or not. Usually I use 8-diafragm(during the day), with 1/125 exposure time, in shadow mode lightning(my camera has sweeter colors in this mode, 'cause i have also a coloured version of this picture), infinity,with my HP 945 Photosmart, than, in PS I've intensified the shadows and the before the rain atmosphere with burn tool, brightened up a bit with dodge tool only the spots that needed it and on the sea surface the spots that were strangely illuminated by the sun rays that were passing through the clouds in strange ways. Than desaturation, and tritone. :)
Che  ( # )
...very impressive!.. such atmosphire!.. (do forgive me my rusty english!)
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Che, thank you very much. No problem, I'm not a master of English either. :)
Евгений Говоров  ( # )
Зловещще:) Вспоминаю фильм "12 негритят". Спасибо
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Evgeny, thank you very much! :)
Sergey Popov  ( # )
Quite dramatic. 8.
Роман Быков  ( # )
Very impressive landscape and good quality. I like it.
Lily-of-the-valley  ( # )
Класс, этот снимок очень понравился! 10!
Михаил Ермолаев  ( # )
Well done, Simona! Well done!
РомаХ  ( # )
very cool=)8
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