Sunny II. Simona-Elena Vitouladitis, животные
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Sunny II
Из серии Sunny - my wonderful dog.
My sweet dog
Богдан Попов  ( # )
Filosof, kak i vse spanieli,
Сергей Согоконь  ( # )
What a lovely dog you've got! An excellent portrait of the best friend!
ввбутко  ( # )
Смотря в глаза этого пса, ты не можешь не влюбиться в него!
Looking in this dog's eyes, u can't but adore it!
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( # )
Thank you, everyone of you, for your appreciation! Indeed she is always after a hugg or a kiss, and she is one of my most patient nmodels, she is understanding with anything that I'm asking from her during the photo sessions :P, but when she is bored, then she has the final word and we call it off. :) You know, I have a very good professional relationship with my model because I treat her according to her greatness : with lots of huggs, long walks and lots of kisses(of course, good food too) :P Now seriously, thank you all very much, you are very encouraging with me! :)
Николай Неволин  ( # )
Very nice is youer "The hope". Beutiful!
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( # )
Thank you very much! :)
Александр Голубков  ( # )
It is the best dog-portrait which I ever saw!!!
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