The windmill. Simona-Elena Vitouladitis, город
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The windmill
Anemomilo(the windmill)in Corfu town, Greece, where I'm living
sdrobkov  ( # )
Симпатичный пейзаж!
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Thank you very much Sergey, I'm glad you like it(Simpatichni peizaj :) ). See, I understand a little bit of Russian, I can read it very well although, but unfortunatelly now I can't speak. I've learned Russian language in gymnasium and high school, I like very much this language, but because I didn't had practise it for a long time(15 years), I forgot it. But now, I hope to restaure the damage that time caused me, because I'm here. I hope that is no problem for anyone that I can't answer you in Russian. If there is a problem, please let me know. Thankx again! :)
alex-nt  ( # )
Очень хорошая работа
Александр Купершмидт  ( # )
Nice work.
miun  ( # )
Отличная работа и тональность в тему!
Янкин Константин  ( # )
Very nice/8
Александр Курлович  ( # )
Good picture, but I'd like to see a bit more space to the left from the tower.
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Many people told me that, I would wanted it too, but if I would have been just a half of a degree to the left, all the magic would have dissapeared, because there is a fence of a restaurant which is very inesthetic. I was focusing at the idea of the 2 water surfaces(right - the sea, left-a little swamp created by the rain) and the path that separate them. I will post a version with the fence. Thank you for your comments. :)
Александр Курлович  ( #   )
All those bloody restaurants and fenses ar always at a wrong places :-)
Ренат Ханзаров  ( #   )
yep :)...but on the other hand - sometimes we visit those bloody places to have some romantic dinner by the seaside with an excellent view ;)
Савченко Михаил  ( # )
nice one.. ;)
Ренат Ханзаров  ( # )
The picture is realy nice and calm (thanks to sepia tone and an enamel-lookalike frame)...although i guess it could be a little sharper (especially clouds and all that's behind the mill - maybe it looks soft because of big open aperture)...the point about the space to the left is actual either i think.
Good luck!
Mikhail Steinberg  ( # )
I like the image too. A bit more sharpness would not hurt. I do not necessarily like the frame though- it takes away from image, would be nicer without that thin white line.
Nice picture overall.
Анна Миронова  ( # )
Nice photo, makes me think about a princes who is waiting in her tower for a charming prince to rescue her :-)
Robert Doisneau  ( # )
Если бы я знал, как сделать хорошую фотографию, я бы делал это все время.
Henri Cartier-Bresson  ( # )
Фотографировать — это затаить дыхание, когда все наши способности действуют совместно перед ускользающей реальностью. Тогда поимка изображения становится большой физической и интеллектуальной радостью.
Lily-of-the-valley  ( # )
Ух, хорошо то как!
Эра  ( # )
валерио  ( # )
greece buon paese
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