John TatArt

John TatArt
5.8000 600 1 0
утром во Франнкфурте на Майне,8 мая 2010
John TatArt
5.7143 909 9 0
John TatArt
7.3333 722 1 1
after rain
John TatArt
6.7000 551 4 0
John TatArt
7.0909 516 3 0
John TatArt
7.6667 368 2 0
John TatArt
428 0 0
Amplitude of light and shade in a crystal pendulum
John TatArt
7.5000 368 2 0
keep smiling))
John TatArt
7.3000 569 9 0
le portrait de la nature morte
John TatArt
7.6154 693 19 0
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