
Тема: 5000 $ за фото.

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5000 $ за фото.
Вот реальный заказ. Скидывайте превью до 3 окт , вечер. Date : 2nd October 2005 Deadline : 4th October 2005 Request Title: STUNNING UNIQUE IMAGES Request: All images must be sharp...no haze or blurry effects. 1. Images that convey forensics/ crime scene without appearing too violent (no blood) 2. Mountain climbers...unique and dramatic angles 3. Poker players (model released only), stills of poker table, cards, chips 4. People travelling in exotic locations experiencing some aspect of the culture (food, strange transportation, festivals, etc)...people should be between 18-35 and not appear to be tourists but travellers...not typical locations 5. Adult(s) 18-35 bungee jumping, snowboarding, surfing, scuba diving (dramatic, unique angles and colorful) 6. Sharks (any non-typical images the other agencies don't have? Unique perspective, a person in the water?)...needs to convey danger 7. beautiful beaches (with or without people...if with people no more that 2-4) during the day (no sunrise or sunset) 8. Archaeologist at work...nothing too editorial, it needs to really stand out - Colour images ONLY Format : either landscape (horizontal) or portrait (vertical) Use : advertising Budget Other Usage : US$5000.00 Notes on Budget : 'core' imagery for use on tv networks (6-8 images per network). We license the images non-exclusively for one year, unlimited use in all media, worldwide. We are able to pay $5,000 per image. Contact Details Name : *** Company : *** Country : United States Telephone : *** Fax : *** Email : ***
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