
Тема: Международный фото моб

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Международный фото моб
Мое имя: Travis Spangler
Мой E-Mail: travis.spangler@gmail.com

Hello, my name is Travis Spangler. I'm an "artist" working in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. I am organizing a project in which people from all over the
world are taking a photographs simultaneously on March 3 or 4 (depending on
their location). For example, I will be taking a photograph here in
Minneapolis at 8:07 am March 3; and at the same moment, it will be 3:07
p.m. March 3 in Berlin; 11:07 p.m. March 3 in Tokyo; and 1:07 a.m. March 4
in Sydney and people will be taking photographs in these cities as well. I
would like to invite you or anyone you know to participate if interested.
I have listed the details below. The details and different time zone can
also be seen at project's website: www.this-planet.net

The date and time for the photograph:

March 3, 2007 at 15:07 in Cameroon

The photograph:
I have only a few guidlines for the photograph: The photograph should be in
color. The photograph is to be taken outside. Try to include the sky and
something on the ground (trees, buildings, the ocean, etc.) The choice of
content other than that is entirely up to you.

Size of the photograph:
No larger than 600K if by email or 5X7 By traditional mail.

When I need your photograph:
Please email your digital photograph or have your traditional photograph in
the mail by March 12.


Travis Spangler
402 Marshall Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55102

Thank you very much for your time,
Travis Spangler
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