Via Crucis 3. Stefan Rohner,
Отзывов: 9. Напишите свой отзыв 
Via Crucis 3
With the arrival of spring comes Easter week. It has centuries of history behind it and is one of Spain's most authentic and emotive celebrations. The streets of the vast majority of Spain's cities, towns and villages become the stage … Весь текст
Chelin  ( # )
Фото сильное.
...  ( # )
SergL  ( # )

прямо Куделка
Stefan Rohner  ( # )

yes¿ some problem?
SergL  ( #   )
Problem in what? I'm delighted with your photos, especially in series.
Mikhail Steinberg  ( #   )
Stefan, that was me who gave a link above- I hope you are not objecting. I like this shot, BTW.
Владимир Соколов  ( # )
Сергей Брель  ( # )
yo recuerdo mi viaje a Espana.
Вячеслав Благодаров  ( # )
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