I’m watchin’ you.... Simona-Elena Vitouladitis, природа
Отзывов: 11. Напишите свой отзыв 
I’m watchin’ you...
on the beach
автор  ( # )
Жаль,что на сайте не замечают подобные работы.
Работа изумительная!
Вы по прежнему мой избранный...
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( # )
Avtor, thank you very much! :)
Богдан Попов  ( # )
De verdad es una obra maravillosa, de entre raras e interesantes!
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Muchas gracias, Bogdan! :) You are very kind :)
Che  ( # )
very interesting!.. marks are not faire!.. they means nothing!.. there are a lot of persons full of envy!..
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
Che, thank you very much, ocheni spasibo! :) I have no problem with any mark or votes or anything. I just welcome everybody to tell me their opinion. What can we do, nobody can force anybody to like him or her! That's life! :)
BorisHudilainen  ( # )
Simona! It's wonderfull!!! 99% of your fotos very like me! я получаю огромнейшее удовольствие от просмотра Ваших фотографий! Thanks!!! :)
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( #   )
LOMOffsky, you are very kind. I'm glad that you enjoy watching my photos. Thank you! :)
Sergey Popov  ( # )
Left with no mark. Good idea but... Man is almost right in the center and where is a frame by the way? :)
Lily-of-the-valley  ( # )
Хорошо, небо красивое!
Александр Соколов  ( # )
чудо как хороша
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