The hope. Simona-Elena Vitouladitis, природа
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The hope
Из серии Nightshots.
After the fight with the raging seawaves, the survivor's hope is the last one that dies. And the salvation is near! He's very tired and in pain, but with his last strenght he sees the light at the horizon. Will … Весь текст
Ренат Ханзаров  ( # )
Brilliant...well done.
Ренат Ханзаров  ( # )
i was absolutely confident that it's your picture, Simona-Elena...and i'd say they're getting better and much better.
WITO  ( # )
Luchenok  ( # )
Wonderful to my mind.
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( # )
Thank you all very much for your good and encouraging words!I'm very glad that you like it, indeed I appreciate this very much! :D
Леонид Домбровский  ( # )
Interesting view and excellent composition of the picture! In my opinion, it is not sufficiently sharp. It would be better to use option "Unsharp mask" in Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro to improve the quality of the image. Nevertheless, the general impression is very nice:) 8.
Александр Вологдин  ( # )
I think, everybody want to see light in the night. Very beautiful shot
Сергей Чапарин  ( # )
I don't think Unsharp Mask will do the photo very much justice. It looks a bit more like a painting this way. Amazing work! 10
Александр Голубков  ( # )
It is wonderful picture! The landscape simply bewitches!
It is amazing!
nebo_vo_mne  ( # )
Чудесное фото!!!
Lily-of-the-valley  ( # )
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