_I I_. Simona-Elena Vitouladitis,
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_I I_
Из серии Flowers, leafs and fruits.
Аскар Кабжан  ( # )
но жухлая травинка мешается внизу.
вырвать :)
Аскар Кабжан  ( #   )
a problem in right down corner.
the old yeloww grass is'nt good, and not paralel :)
Ренат Ханзаров  ( #   )
and yet the idea is clear...
КСЮ  ( # )
Какая Прелесть! Любит - не любит...нравится - не нравится... Нравится!!!
Леонид Домбровский  ( # )
Beautiful picture! I like this unusual and very nice "Mediterranean" composition. Очень по душе:) 9.
Александр Вологдин  ( # )
It's a very strong flower, good colours
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( # )
Thank you all for your good words. Indeed, I was looking after the paralelism between the flower,alone there, and the sails of the boats in the background. The fact that the little flower was so tall and straight up and was completed by the boats caught my attention and made me press the button. At first I thought to catch only the flower(without the grass around), but then I thought about the reality of nature(the flower, the grass, the water) and the reality created by us(the little harbour, the boats), etc. . :)
Сергей Чапарин  ( #   )
I apreciate that there is a bit of imperfection in the frame, like the yellow grass. I think this image is a lot stronger than the one with four daisies.
Янкин Константин  ( # )
отличная картинка. 8
Патрисио Гарсес  ( # )
Imho, they are too far, the sails, and i dont feel the "paralellizm" so strong.
Патрисио Гарсес  ( #   )
I see it, but not feel...Ду ю андерстенд ми? ;-)))
jazz2002  ( # )
удачная композиция...:)
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