Early spring. Simona-Elena Vitouladitis,
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Early spring
Из серии Flowers, leafs and fruits.
I think that you didn't see a orange tree yet. Voila! In my courtyard, in my husband's village this february.
Константин Ко  ( # )
Lovely! Tasty! Juicy! Sunny! Hot! I like it!
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( # )
Thank you very much Konstantin! It is juicy indeed! :)
Александр Вологдин  ( # )
It's a very sunny shot
Патрисио Гарсес  ( # )
A ya videl, u babushki rastyot..,-))) A vot ananasovogo ne videl...;-)))
Sergey Popov  ( # )
I saw oranges and lemons on trees this January on Cyprus and even tested one orange. Not ready. But how it smelled... 8-)))
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