Ruin. Csaba Szekely,
Отзывов: 5. Напишите свой отзыв 
If you have any comment to my photos please write it in english, because I can't read the russian comments. Thanks, Csaba
Csaba Szekely   |   15.12.2004, 22:58   |   Эксперимент   |  Все фотографии автора
Никита Матюшков  ( # )
I like it.
But i see a little bit of overall unsharpness/
It must be a result of resizing image. It may be fixed by using "unsharp mask" filter in Photoshop...
Fine. 8.

Csaba Szekely  ( #   )
The original one is sharp enough, the resizing made it. I tried to use the Unsharp mask, but all around the contours made white pixels. So the image in better in this format.

Ия Горелова Наталия  ( # )
Шурик Журавлев  ( # )
This kind of photography is one of the best from my point of view, and this work is one of the best I've seen. Calm, native, simple and beautiful - only good impressions !
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