**. Mad Hatter [mht], натюрморт
Отзывов: 6. Напишите свой отзыв 
Mad Hatter [mht]   |   15.4.2005, 22:12   |   Натюрморт   |  Все фотографии автора
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( # )
The tea, in my opinion, should be poured exactly in the middle of the cup, to create a balance. Otherwise, beautiful image, composition, colors, light, textures, beautiful metalic feeling of the samovar, very good framing and warm atmosphere.I like very much the contrast between the cup of tea with the samovar and the table with this beautiful arabesque. Very good!
Mad Hatter [mht]  ( #   )
Thanx for Your comment. The idea might be interesting - I'll think of retaking the picture. =)
Злая_В  ( #   )
not nesesserily in the midle, but a bit father away from edge would be better, but picture is beautiful anyway.
Mad Hatter [mht]  ( #   )
BTW - it's not a 'samovar', it's an indian teapot. But it looks very similar =)
Богдан Попов  ( # )
Lo siento mucho, hablo 5 idiomas, pero ni uno no es isgles,
la foto me parece perfecto, este dialogo en una idioma deskonocida mucho menos, 10 y saludos respetousos.
Mad Hatter [mht]  ( #   )
Bob 59: Gracias por el comentario. Soy contento que ha gustado =)
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